Final Handover on Projects
We'll notify you via email once your project has reached its end date. Assuming you've completed your feedback and all services and deliverables have been provides, you can mark the project as complete (see below).

Why is this important?
Final handover is important because it is required in order for us to pay the agency's final invoice. If you don't complete this step, the agency will be unable to issue their final invoice to us. They may reach out to you to complete this step.
Can I extend the project with the same agency?
If you need to extend the project out with the same agency, you can still mark the project as complete. Just click the "Amend/Extend Scope" button and a StudioSpace member will contact you to learn more about the extension.
My project is incomplete (I don't want to extend)
If your project is incomplete, and you are not looking for an extension, select "No, agreed work is incomplete".
An input field will appear below. Please write your reason for the Project not being complete. For example, the Project might be overrunning, or a material change of scope, services of deliverables is required.
Once you submit your response, a StudioSpace member will be in touch to better understand the status of the project before guiding you through the next steps.